My Personal Symphony Challenge

I have given myself a personal target of facilitating 100 Symphony Sessions at a very special price!!

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What do you have going on and how can I contribute?

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Are you familiar with Dr. Dain Heer's Symphony of Possibilities® training? ...

Over the years I have given and received many Symphony sessions. However, until now I have not taken Dr. Dain up on something he talks about in every Symphony training - go out and facilitate 100 sessions.

Symphony energy is a tool I use daily in creating my life and my business. It is the energy of communion and creation - with you, your body, the earth and all of consciousness. It has and continues to change my life in ways I never imagined.

So... I have given myself a personal target of facilitating 100 Symphony Sessions!!

Would you like to join me in exploring Symphony energy? I am offering 100 Symphony sessions at a very special price.

Sessions can be online or in person in Los Alamos, NM.
What can the Symphony create for you, your body and the universe? 

What is a Symphony Session? Learn More HERE



Join me for 1 Symphony Special Session